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Do you believe in spirits?

I totally believe there are spirits in different forms of energy living amongst us… and I think Addie does too.

I’m not sure you’re going to believe this, but it is 100% truthful…

To explain a little better, I’m going to take you back to winter last year…

I was very lucky to have both sides of my grandparents growing up. We spent our summers at their houses and are very close with all of them. I’m still lucky that I am able to spend time and begin new journeys with them. They’re all very loving and supportive and mean the world to me.

A few years ago, my Grandmother had a stroke after a surgery; she was on the road to recovery for several long years and unfortunately passed away in March of 2019.

She was the most beautiful soul I’ve ever met. She taught me love, compassion and how to stand up for what you believe in. She absolutely spoiled my sisters and I and we were completely molded by her. We used to go to her and my Grandfather’s house for dinners, and I would always have a dog with me.

We would have dinner, watch movies (usually dog movies so they could understand them too) and eat our peanut butter ice cream together.

Before Addie was alive, I used to bring my other dog, Kuma (the best boy who lives with my parents), for the visits. My Grandmother made meatloaf in the shape of a dog bone, and snuck some bites under the table for my furry friend. She loved my animals and they loved her more.

Last winter, my Grandmother’s health took a turn…

I was about to switch jobs and took a week off of work between ending one and starting the next. Unfortunately, this was the last week I would spend with her. I was lucky enough to have that time off, and was able to see her everyday. Each time I visited, I didn’t know if it would be the last and I always hoped it wasn’t.

But the strangest thing happened.

It was an early morning, during the week I was home from work and Addie jumped into my bed. She put her paws next to me – one by each side of my head, and stood over me, as if she was guarding me.

I woke up and asked her what she was doing, but she wouldn’t move. I said to myself “I think my Grandmother passed away”.

A few hours later, I received a call from my Dad, letting me know my Grandmother had passed earlier that morning.

I’m not sure how Addie knew, but I like to think she felt her spirit coming to say goodbye to me. It was so out of the ordinary; she had never done anything like that before, but I knew it meant something.

Fast forward to today…

Every single day, Addie jumps into bed…she puts her paws next to me – one on each side of my head and lays completely over my body, as if she’s hugging me and protecting me. And on those mornings that I am up before she can hop into bed, she climbs on me on the couch and gives me the same hug. It’s as if she knows it’s her job to hold me, protect me and make me feel better.

She never in her life had laid like that, until that morning.

I still think she has a bigger purpose in life, but I appreciate every moment I spend with her. I know she’ll teach Ivy to be the same…loving and healing.

I wake up every morning now, with my big Addie hug and know it’s not only from her.

Today’s Lesson: love takes many forms and has its own energy. As they say in the movie The Notebook “love can create miracles”. I know that this little gesture of a morning hug, is one of those miracles.


In loving memory of my Gramma Jean



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